Health Through Balance
Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are based on an understanding of health through balance. Health is a state of optimal balance, where all of your systems are working as they should. Symptoms, such as pain or insomnia, are alerts to an imbalance.
On Point Health & Wellness in Beckley WV now offers a unique mix of services to provide the body with balance in order to achieve positive results. View our full service list below, and click on an item to learn more.
On-Point Health & Wellness Specializes In
Most injuries require treatment one to two times weekly. We will re-evaluate after six treatments.
Cupping is an ancient form of healing used for pain, colds and flus, fevers, muscle tension, and more.
Medical Massage
Our massages are customized for each patient and can include: hot stones, cupping, and essential oils.
Infrared Sauna
Sauna treatments can directly affect your blood pressure, vascular function, oxidative stress, & inflammation levels.
Salt Cave
The calming and detoxifying effects of halotherapy can support the immune, nervous and lymphatic systems.
Nutritional Consultation
We develop individualized nutrition plans based on personal health, fitness, and performance goals.
Pediatric Acupuncture
These treatments do not use needles or “taps”, but acupressure (gently massaging acupuncture points), and other tools.
Yoga Classes
There are no two ways about it, Yoga is beneficial for counteracting anxiety, depression, back pain, and more.
CBD Products
Effective at treating inflammation, body pains, anxiety, seizures, arthritis, depression, and appetite stimulation
Electrical Stimulation
Electro-acupuncture refers to the application of a pulsating electrical current to acupuncture points on the body.
Herbal Consultation
A custom granular formula is prescribed after taking pulse and tonuge along with a health history. Follow up appointments are suggested to maintain proper formula.
Dry Needling
Dry needling uses acupuncture needles in a way that primarily targets trigger points to treat muscle & joint pain.
Micro Acupuncture 48 treatments are unique in that treatment protocols largely involve acu-points on the hands and feet.
Fit Club
Our in house trainers have developed a workout system exclusive to On Point Health & Wellness.
Orthopedic Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy specifically designed to deal with the pain associated with injuries. Great for athletes.