We are thrilled to have added an amazing new therapy to our On-Point offerings: the Normatec Compression System. No, these aren’t just funny pants – they’re a dynamic compression device for recovery, rehab, and performance enhancement.

Here are a few key habits that you can start in summer to set yourself up for autumn wellness:
The system can be used on the legs, arms, or hips to help improve circulation, massage the limbs, move fluids, and improve and speed recovery.
The Normatec System is perfect for amateur and professional athletes or anyone with orthopedic pain issues. It’s a great standalone treatment, but does amazing things when combined with acupuncture or massage.
Book A Normatec Session Today!
Ready to boost your recovery with Normatec? Take advantage of our intro offer of 30 minutes for $20, or add the service on to your acupuncture or massage visit for $15.
We're Here To Help
Whether the issue is chronic or acute problems or you simply just want to find ways of healing without prescription drugs, contact a professional at On Point Health & Wellness in Beckley WV for a consultation today.