Use Heart-Opening Yoga For Lung & Heart Health
Ask Yourself These Questions:
- 🎈Do you feel tight or restricted in your chest?
- 😮💨Do you get winded easily?
- 🥷Do you feel closed off to the world or people around you?
If You Answered YES To Any / All Of These:
You could be in need of some gentle heart and chest opening yoga. Heart-opening yoga stretches your chest, back, and core to promote good circulation and muscle relaxation through your chest. These types of yoga poses are particularly good for your cardiovascular system, lungs, and posture.

Experience The Benefits Of Heart-Opening Yoga
An easy way is to try the Upward Dog pose.
An easy way for anyone to experience the benefits of heart-opening yoga is to try the Upward Dog pose. In this pose, you lie on your stomach and press up from the ground, arching your back and stretching your chest to the sky.
Upward Dog Is Easy Addition To Any Stretching Routine
It’s a great pose for anyone who struggles with their posture, works at a computer all day (hunched shoulders!), or feels closed off or hiding from life. Add this one to your daily stretching routine or take a 5-min yoga break anytime you’re feeling tense, short of breath, or stressed out.The Benefits Of Upward Dog Pose:
- Opens the chest and heart space
- Relieves tension and tightness in the chest, shoulders, and low back
- Improves breathing and respiratory/Lung health
- Lifts the head and improves posture
- Promotes energy and mindfulness
- Encourages openness and connection to others