Fight the Holiday Madness with Yoga

Yoga and relaxation help ease the tension during this holiday season

The Issue

Americans are among the busiest people in the world. From working long hours to spending the most money per capita each Christmas, Americans are always on the go. The holidays are especially busy due to the increased demand from consumers, and the long days somehow become even longer.

What can you do to relax and find some peace of mind? The answer may be as simple as a single asana. Yoga has been proven to increase blood and oxygen flow through the body, which allows your muscles and tissues to relax and restore themselves. Moreover, yoga’s focus on mindfulness and calm meditation allows for the mind to take a moment of respite.

Yoga is so relaxing, in fact, that some schools have replaced detention with guided yoga sessions. Instead of punishing bad behavior, students are encouraged to release their tension and relax their minds through a series of yoga poses. This practice has proven to be effective in addressing behavior issues with inner city children who may be exposed to higher levels of poverty and violent crime. The practice of yoga allows children (and adults) to focus on their own body and mind. This focus makes the participant feel in control and, ultimately, relaxed.

What You Can Do

Even though you may be busy this holiday season, you should allow yourself time to relax and rejuvenate. Here at The Yoga Studio in Beckley WV we offer yoga classes each day of the week at various times. Our schedule is flexible so you can fit relaxation into your day, no matter the time of year.

Office Hours

Monday 9:00am-5:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am-6:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am-5:00pm
Thursday 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm
Sunday Closed


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