Happy New Year On-Point Family ; How Is 2021 Shaping Up For You? Feeling inspired? Or maybe a little burned out…?If the fresh motivation of the new year has yet to hit you, you’re not alone. The past year, month, week, has been an emotional rollercoaster and it...
Save All Weekend! Black Friday & Cyber Monday Deals We've bundled our services to help you SAVE this weekend. Save 10% on all Gift Card Purchases and up to 50% off our sessions when you buy 10! ; Knock out your stocking stuffers with great options from On Point Health...
New Offering: Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Sessions Available Now! ; Hyperbaric O2 Chamber Sessions In Beckley WV We are BIG fans of the Oxy Health line of hyperbaric oxygen chambers – and now we’re finally able to offer this service to you! Why do we love the hyperbaric...
There are some pretty exciting changes on the horizon here at On Point Acupuncture! This amazing building you see behind me is currently in the process of a full remodel and will become the location of the new and expanded On Point Acupuncture Health & Wellness...