Summer is an excellent time to detox
there’s tons of fresh produce to fill you up, and the beautiful weather invites you off the couch and onto the hiking trails. But to detox safely and effectively, you’ll need to follow a few precautions. Here are our top tips for detoxing safely in summer:
Tips To Detox Safely This Summer:
Sweat + replenish.
Sweating is one of the fastest ways to detox your body. Thankfully, it’s easy in summer! Even a brisk walk outside will get your heart pumping and encourage a good sweat. Or, you can pop into our temperature-controlled sauna for a fast and relaxing detox. But it’s important to be careful: too much sweating can be dangerous. Always stay hydrated after sweating and replenish your resources with fresh cool water.
Eat light.
Eating light is easiest in summer when fresh produce is widely available and delicious! Eat more raw or lightly cooked foods, fill your plate with veggies, and eat about 70% of your normal portion sizes. If you decide to take on a cleanse, make sure you’re sticking to a plan that works well for your body type. Reach out to On-Point to connect with a practitioner or health coach who can help you choose the best cleanse for you.
Get a foot detox.
What’s more relaxing than a cool and quiet foot detox after a hot summer day? Visit us in the clinic for a foot detox to supercharge your summer detox and get a little extra peace and quiet.
Exercise Moderately.
Summer is a great time to increase your activity levels, just make sure you don’t overdo it. Visit our gym (get a 2-week trial for only $20!) and get expert guidance on the best workouts for you.
Spend time in nature.
Detoxing isn’t just about your body – it’s also about your mind. Clear away pent-up stress and mental clutter by spending time (technology-free!) outside. Go for a walk, a hike, a swim, or enjoy whatever you love in the great outdoors each day.
Try cupping.
Cupping is traditionally used for muscle tension, but did you know that it helps the body detox, too? Cupping draws stuck or old blood from the tissues so new, fresh blood can circulate. After your cupping session, drink lots of fresh water to encourage the detoxification process, just like you would after a massage.