Jul 16, 2021 | Alternative Medicine
Feeling tense, inflamed, on edge? Try Myocalm® ; Feeling tense, inflamed, on edge? Try Myocalm® No matter how much stretching, hot baths, or meditation you do, sometimes you just can’t get relief from tense muscles and a stressed-out mind. Thankfully, this supplement...
Jun 22, 2021 | Alternative Medicine, Treatments
Trouble Sleeping? Try Acupuncture. ; Are You Having Trouble Sleeping? There’s nothing more frustrating than lying awake at night trying your hardest to fall asleep. Only to make yourself more stressed, more frustrated, and more agitated that you can’t sleep! If this...
Jun 7, 2021 | Alternative Medicine, Treatments
Your Child’s Complexion – Cool and Clear! ; Facials for Kids and Teens Summertime is an exciting time for kids and teens. But for kids with skin troubles, summer can quickly become a nightmare. If your child struggles with… Acne Eczema Sunburns Hives Heat rash...
May 19, 2021 | Alternative Medicine, Food & Nutrition, Treatments
How to Detox Safely in Summer ; Summer is an excellent time to detox there’s tons of fresh produce to fill you up, and the beautiful weather invites you off the couch and onto the hiking trails. But to detox safely and effectively, you’ll need to follow a few...
Apr 23, 2021 | Alternative Medicine
Considering Carpal Tunnel Surgery? Read this first... ; If you’re considering Carpal Tunnel Surgery, we get it! Carpal tunnel syndrome is painful and frustrating – and in many cases, it prevents you from doing your work, hobbies, or even daily activities. But...
Mar 31, 2021 | Alternative Medicine, Neurofeedback, Pediatric Acupuncture
Autism Solutions at On-Point Health & Wellness ; World Autism Awareness Day is April 2nd According to the CDC, 1 in every 54 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. On April 2nd, we’ll honor those who struggle with autism and their incredible families...