Aug 30, 2022 | Alternative Medicine, Food & Nutrition, Recipes
Asian Pear: The Lung Soother Moistens, reduces phlegm, and protects the delicate Lung. ; Asian Pears are a delicious way to heal your lungs! The Asian pear is a crisp fruit that tastes a bit like a cross between an apple and a pear. They are commonly used in many...
Jun 27, 2022 | Food & Nutrition, Recipes
What’s Better Than Ice Cream? Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives! Try These Healthy Ice Cream Alternatives Today! ; July is National Ice Cream month – and for good reason! This is one of the hottest months, full of summer fun that requires a delicious cool-down...
May 19, 2021 | Alternative Medicine, Food & Nutrition, Treatments
How to Detox Safely in Summer ; Summer is an excellent time to detox there’s tons of fresh produce to fill you up, and the beautiful weather invites you off the couch and onto the hiking trails. But to detox safely and effectively, you’ll need to follow a few...