Summer Detox Therapies At On-Point Health & Wellness
Summertime should be fun and carefree. But if you’re bogged down by a hefty toxic load, summer’s heat and humidity can exacerbate your health issues. On-Point’s Summer Detox Therapies are in order!Naturally Cleanse With Our Summer Detox Therapies:
Our bodies are bombarded every day with toxins and chemicals in our food, air, and water. A cleansing detox session can support the natural detoxification processes of the liver and your other organ systems. Try one of these detox therapies at On Point now to feel refreshed and ready for a healthy summer!#1 Cupping
Cupping is an ancient therapy that helps pull out stuck blood and toxins from the muscle layer. This old blood is removed by the body as waste, and fresh blood fills the muscles, fascia, and skin. Afterward, you can expect to feel cleansed and re-energized.
#2 Detox Foot Soak
Enjoy a relaxing moment while our ionic detox foot baths pull out excess toxins from your bloodstream. Our detox foot baths work by increasing circulation through the lymph system so your body’s natural detoxification processes work better and faster.
#3 Infrared Sauna
If you’ve ever set foot in our Infrared sauna, you know that you’ll sweat! This sweat is a deeply detoxifying process that leaves you feeling cleansed and refreshed.
Call To Book Your Detox Today
A Detox Is In Order!