Spring is here, let’s get moving!
In Chinese medicine, spring is the season of movement. Nature awakens, the earth starts to stir, and the quiet of winter starts to fade. If you’re feeling active, energized, or even restless, that’s normal! Just like nature, your body starts to awaken in spring to get ready for the more active half of the year.
But if you aren’t feeling that energy yet, don’t worry. These spring movement tips will help you get your blood flowing, boost your immune system, and stimulate your energy for a bright and active spring.

How To Get Moving This Spring :
Exercise at least 4-5 times per week. Walking, dancing, swimming, hiking, or anything you love to do will work! Need some focus and motivation? Book a session with one of our personal trainers to bring you up to speed.
Get Outside
Get outside as often as possible. With the weather warming up, there’s no reason not to take a five minute break outside and get some fresh air. Try this walking meditation on your next work break.